The model Rivera by Du Mont is a beautiful record player with typical design elements of the 60s. The integrated drive is a quality build delivered by Lenco. The Rivera can be operated with mains voltage as well as batteries and is fully transistorized. Due to its restoration, the device was completely disassembled and cleaned. The old electronics were completely replaced by new technology. That’s why the Rivera is also Bluetooth enabled. So, if your favorite record is not spinning on the turntable, music can also be streamed from the smartphone, tablet or laptop to the integrated speaker of the turntable. This works even if the lid of its case is closed. The device is then in standby mode until a Bluetooth connection is active. Of course, the drive and the pickup system of the device have been updated, so that any modern vinyl- or classic shellac-record can be played stylishly and without damaging it. The Rivera by Du Mont – a great design icon from the 60s and loyal companion with inside state of the art technology.